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-Tottori to visit -

- Amazing views -
目に映る光景のどこを切り取っても絵になる場所が鳥取にはあります。生きているかの如く日々表情を変える鳥取砂丘、透き通った海、かつての威厳を残す鳥取城跡... 印象深い風景に、あなたはきっと夢中になるはず。ついついシャッターを押してしまうビュースポットもたくさんあります。ぜひ訪れてみてくださいね。



Tottori is filled with picturesque spots that will make you instinctively reach out for your camera and click away to no ends! You will see sand dunes that change shapes each second, the crystal clear sea, the beautiful yet melancholic ruins of the Tottori castle that still carry the dignified air of the olden days…be ready to submerge and awe at all the impressive sights around you!


Please enjoy and find your own favorite Tottori !!

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